How to select and plan a broiler house site?

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After determining the broiler farming business model and breeding methods, you can decide which type and size of houses to build based on the requirements of the breeding business model. Additionally, you can determine whether to adopt closed or free-range breeding methods, as well as the style of the chicken houses to be constructed.

How to start a closed chicken house?

1.Site selection for closed chicken houses

  • The site for broiler farms should be located in a high, dry area that is sheltered from the wind and faces the sun, preferably facing south or southeast. This orientation helps with ventilation during the summer and heat preservation during the winter.

  • There should be no large chemical plants or mines within 3 kilometers of the chicken farm, and the farm should be at least 1,000 meters away from other livestock farms, highways, and village settlements.
  • The water source should be sufficient and reliable, meeting the requirements for drinking water.
  • The power supply should be stable, with its own transformer and power distribution equipment. Large broiler farms must invest in their own power generation equipment to prepare for emergencies in case of power outages.
  • There should be a slight slope to facilitate the discharge of sewage, rainwater, and other waste. The farm should not be built in low-lying areas.
  • Keep the farm away from sources of noise and heavily polluted canals or rivers. It is strictly prohibited to build farms near drinking water sources, upstream of food factories, in water protection areas, tourist zones, nature reserves, or areas with severe environmental pollution and frequent outbreaks of livestock and poultry diseases.

2.Planning of a modern chicken farm

Large-scale breeding farms must separate living areas from production areas, sewage systems, and clean roads. Small and medium-sized broiler farms should also separate these areas as much as possible. Regardless of the farm size, all chicken farms must be surrounded by brick walls at least 2 meters high to isolate the farm from the outside world.
The layout of the various buildings on the farm is generally considered from the following aspects.

1. Zoning management within the chfarm

The layout should be divided into three functional areas: the living and management area, the production area, and the isolation area. The boundaries of each functional area should be clear and easily accessible. The living and management area should be located upwind of the prevailing wind direction or crosswind direction throughout the year, while the isolation area should be positioned in the opposite direction. The distance between each area should be more than 50 meters.

2. Keep a safe distance between chicken houses

The distance between the chicken house and the fence should be 50-100 meters. The distance between chicken houses of the same age should be around 20 meters. The distance between chicken houses of different ages should be more than 100 meters. The brooder house and the rearing house should be located as far from the broiler house as possible, at least 1 km away, and positioned upwind of the prevailing wind direction.

3.The roads within the farm area are divided into clean roads and dirty roads. Clean roads are used for transporting feed, chicks, and personnel in and out of the farm. Dirty roads are used for transporting feces and discarded chickens out of the farm. The dirty roads should be positioned downwind. The two types of roads must be strictly separated and not mixed.

4.The chicken house should face south or southeast and be positioned upwind.

So if you looking for poultry chicken business opportunity, and if you want to start your own Poultry Chicken Business , pls feel free to give us a call, below is our contact information:

Website: www.retechfarming.com 

Facebook: @retechfarmingchickencage   100k Followers

Whatsapp: +8618561818859

Email: info@retechfarming.com

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