How much does it cost to start 20,000 layer chickens poultry farm?

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In recent years, breeding technology has developed very fast. Many chicken farms have begun to become industrialized and large-scale. The scale of chicken farm is also expanding. However, some inexperienced farm building programs will lead to waste of resources, high production costs and low return.

Therefore, the cost of all aspects must be calculated before the start of breeding. Because different market conditions in various countries, we will explain to everyone that a chicken farm with 20,000 birds uses Chinese prices.

The cost of the layer chicken farm with 20,000 laying hens includes site cost, chicken house construction cost, equipment cost, breeding cost, etc.

1.How much land is needed for a chicken farm?

The land size is 120 meters long and 25 meters wide, including feed silo, egg storage, lanes for manure removal trucks, etc. The land rent is USD 357 per year. This size is a standard size, and it can also be designed according to your existing land.

2.How much does it cost to build a chicken farm house?

The chicken house can be divided into open chicken house and closed chicken house.We recommend economical closed chicken houses to raise 20,000 chickens. The chicken house adopts H type 4 tiers chicken battery cage. The house is 105 meters long, 8 meters wide and 4 meters high

If use closed chicken house, most farmers choose high-quality durable light steel structure. The construction period of the steel structure chicken house is short. The requirement of foundation load is low, and cost is low. The steel structure chicken house has good airtightness and recycle. The chicken house has good heat preservation function, seismic performance and wind performance. It is also easy to clean and disinfect.

Therefore, the construction cost of a closed chicken house is about USD 2727 per year.

3.How much is the chicken equipment?

We can use the automatic 9RT-LCH4240 cage equipment for the closed layer chicken house, including automatic feeding,automatic drinking, automatic manure cleaning and automatic egg collecting. Automatic chicken cage is a trend that can save labor and breeding costs, and avoid uneven manual feeding and loss of eggs. Chickens are more comfortable and produce more eggs. The cost is about USD 4479 per year.

4.How much does it cost to keep chickens?

Laying hens are raised for 100 weeks. We are divided into two stages. The brooding period: The period from the newly hatched chicks to the start of laying eggs is generally 0-17 weeks (need to use pullet cage). The laying period is generally 18 to 100 weeks.

The cost of the breeding includes the following aspects:

1. The purchase of baby chickens is USD 0.43 each. We need 20160 chicks. It is USD 8640 in total. (taking into account the 2% death rate of the chicks)

2.In the brooding period, the amount of feed is 5.78kg/bird. If feed is USD 0.43/kg, the total charge is USD 49939.

3.In the laying period, the amount of feed is 63kg/bird. If the price of feed is USD 0.43/kg, the total charge is USD 540000.

4. The cost of the vaccine is USD 4286. The amount of drinking water is 2553049.6kg, and the water bill is USD 1496. The electricity bill is USD 9155. The labor cost is USD 16643;

The cost per cycle of raising 20,000 laying hens:


Cost per cycle/USD



chicken house


chicken battery cage


baby chickens 


baby chickens feed


Layer chicken feed










total cost


So 20,000 laying hens need USD 645286 from brooding to elimination. Breeding cost is also the most important.If get good return,we have to reduce breeding costs and increase breeding efficiency.

5.How much can you make poultry farming?

The income of layer chicken farm mainly includes eggs and eliminated chickens.

Egg income of 20,000 laying hens:

20,000 chickens * 570 days laying cycle * laying rate 80% * egg price USD 0.077/piece = USD 703543


Eliminated chicken income of 20,000 laying hens:

20,000 chickens*chicken meat price USD 1.57/KG*2KG/birds* full survival rate 95%=USD 59714.

We raise 20000 laying hens with automatic chicken cage. We need invest USD 645284 and get USD 763257. We can earn USD 117971. 

The income of layer chicken farm mainly includes eggs and eliminated chickens:







total income


  • Laying rate: 83%
  • Full survival rate: 95%
  • Death rate of the chicks: 2%
  • Laying cycle: 570 days

Data source: Chinese market information on  March 06, 2023. If you need to calculate your local data, you can use the following calculation tools.

Good breeding efficiency is very important, you need efficient poultry equipment, reasonable chicken house design and rich breeding experience. Of course, you can also look for a supplier who can provide turn-key solutions and make farming easier. According to your needs and local environment, our professional team will design chicken houses for you.

Website: www.retechfarming.com

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Email: info@retechfarming.com

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